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Writer's pictureBe_Humanxo

Human 'BE'ing

Updated: Mar 24, 2019

I had another post planned for today but in light of all the tragedy of this week, the attacks in my Canadian home town of Edmonton, Alberta, the unnecessary killings of innocent humans in Las Vegas and the death of a musical idol of mine, Tom Petty, I decided to post something I wrote about life, love and being human...

"I often wonder how our world would be if we all took an hour everyday to be still with ourselves, to acknowledge our own beautiful human complexity, to forgive ourselves for our necessary flaws and to accept and love ourselves for everything we are. To love ourselves in all our imperfect human glory so that we can love those around us in theirs.”

The gift of insight and awareness to the fact that regardless of your gender, race, cultural differences, we are all just humans 'be'ing.

Human 'BE'ing

In the silence of the night when all I can hear are the whispers of the ghosts in this room, the slow steady inhale and exhale of my breathe and rhythmic beating of my heart echoing in the walls of my mind…

In that stillness, I AM! I am aware of my existence, I am aware of all those who have come and gone, who have breathed in this stillness with me, who have laughed and cried in this chair that held their pain and joy...

In the quiet calm of this night, in the memories of this life, in this room, I am overwhelmed by the burn in my heart, the wet of my tears running down my warm cheeks, the ice cube melting in my Lagavulin and I start to laugh, a loud belly laugh…

In the broken silence of this night when all I can hear is the sound of my soul bursting out of my weathered, scarred and beautiful human body, where everything has changed and nothing has changed at all, when all is forgiven and forgotten, when the new is old and the old is new again… In that moment I AM LOVE, I AM LIFE, I AM FLAWED, I AM A HUMAN 'BE'ING...

Always Love, Love Always

Tina ♥

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